Friday, January 8, 2010

Attack of the plastic toys.

My goal for this Friday was to get the house spotless for when my hubby got home, that way we had nothing to do this weekend, and we can chill out in a nice clean house....then I woke up with the headache from hell. It is right behind my right eye and it just wont go away, and Xavier playing on the drums all day is not helping. I really think I need to start a blog about my weird dreams I have on this anxiety med I take. I seriously have the most vivid dreams, sometimes I have to ask Andrew if it really happened, have you ever got reality mixed up with dreamland? I cant explain it, they are just too real. I think that is one of the reasons why I have been getting headaches, but seriously I get into such a deep sleep...its soo odd...I wish I could explain it better. I just hope this headache goes away and I can get these toys picked up.

My living room always looks like Toys R Us vomited all over the place. Its like the attack of the plastic toys. They are just everywhere. Everyone tells me "make sure he picks up the toys when he is done playing". Oh please, how do you do that when the boy wants to play with everything at once...if someone has advice for me on that, please leave it, I could use all the help in that department. I wish I could figure out how to organize these toys better in the living room....heck anywhere in the house for the matter, I am just not good at it. Period.

Well off to watch the Back Yardagains for the 15th bazillionth time today. Hey, if it keeps him happy and off the drums...and me on the couch, I have no problem with it. This headache is outrageous.


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