Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Peace and Quiet....for now

Oh thank goodness, the boy is finally sleeping. I swear to goodness he was soo tired he just wouldnt fall asleep. He would cry and cry. He is sleep in the middle of Andrew and I, and I dont dare move him. He went to sleep earlier this evening, it gave me a hour of quiet to watch Big Brother. Andrew came back downstairs with me for the hour. I went up at 10pm peeked in at him and he scared me, he was sitting up in bed looking around....so of course he followed me back into our room. Then he cried and cried cause I couldnt hold him and he wanted me to hold him. My leg is still giving me trouble and seems to be getting worse, I dont know whats up with that one, but everytime I would get comfy to have Xavier lay on me, of course he didnt want to lay on me anymore. It just annoyed me after doing it so many times I told him "no more" and let him cry it out til he fell asleep. I feel bad, but there is no way he can sit on my leg right now.

I dont know why the heck it is hurting so bad. Last year when I had the DVT, I went to one hospital and they sent me home after doing the doppler saying I was fine, the next day when I went to the other hospital the saw the clot. I went to the same hospital last night that found it the last time (and we still wonder how the first hospital didnt find anything) anyway, I am scared something is still developing because of how it hurts. I keep watching for the color changes/swelling but so far nothing. I have no idea what could be making it hurt like this. It even hurts when I get up to walk it out, which walking it out would clear it up last week this time. Im starting to get annoyed.

My goal tonight was to get 2 digital kits up in my store...but I didnt, I only got one....Xaviers crying and Andrews snoring just put me in a mood, and I am too tired to deal with anything. I am happy I got one up....hopefully tomorrow I will get to work on some more things and get caught up.

Okay, its 12am and I really want to lay down and get comfy. I am debating if I want to wake Andrew up to put Xavier into his bed...I dont dare do that, everytime I go to move that boy he wakes up, so I made it Andrews job. (lol)

night night,


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